Hey Family, or whoever is reading this. Things are going very well. Every day seems to get better and better, but every day still has its struggles. Mom, you asked why the first couple days stunk so bad. This is why:
1) You have no idea what is going on. People are taking you to different rooms, putting you on buses, telling you where to go, you are sweating everywhere physically possible because it is hot and you are in a suit and you are stressed, lost, confused & you had to just say bye to your mother. That was most of Day 1. Just tough.
2) The food was really weird for me. My body was so used to when I ate before. So for 3 days, I was NOT hungry at all. We eat at 7:30, 12:20, and 5:30 and at all the meals, I just didn't want to eat anything.
3) Everyone is just awkward because they are so freaked out as well. It was just bad news all around.
But things are so good now. So don't worry!! Spanish is good. It gets better and better. I have learned way more than I ever did in any of my high school classes. Learning is awesome - we hear some of the best spiritual stories and stuff pretty much every day. I love love LOVE my teachers. They are all the best. It really raises my respect for Xander being a teacher here, because every teacher I meet here is amazing. And Xander is an amazing dude, so I bet he was double extra super amazing.
1) Don't eat meat unless there is nothing else.
2) Avoid things they have to cook (exclusions: fish, vegetables, potatoes, and treats - cookies, brownies, cake, etc.)
3) In the entre line, ask for an extra plate so you can load up your salad. They give you these super tiny bowls that are hard to eat from, so an extra plate is good. Load up on fruit, sneak it out, & keep it in the classroom when possible. Everyone in my district thinks I am crazy for not eating the meat, but it is scary sometimes. There was this one meat that was the consistency of fruit leather and looked like rotting flesh. No one knew what kind of meat it was.
I am 100% the oddball of the group because I don't love trucks, football, and country music. But that is okay. I don't mind it.
Today is p-day. We got to go to the temple this morning. I like going to le templo.
We got our whole district to join the choir. I love it. It is such a nice break form all the studying to go and sing. We practice on Sunday nights and Tuesday nights. On Sundays it is at the Wyview chapel. On Tuesdays, we have the Tuesday night devotional, at either the main MTC or the Marriot Center, and we walk up there on Tues. That is always fun.
If you were to ask me 1 month ago if I wanted to get out of Provo, I would've told you that I was so excited. But being here, it just makes me miss it. Provo is such a pretty place. Utilize Provo you guys. Because now since I can't go play outside all day, it makes me appreciate how great it really is. I'm so excited to get
to Mexico. But at the same time, I miss Provo, even though I'm here.
Sure love all of you. Please distribute these letters. Thanks for the apples, alarm clock, food, treats, letters, mini dictionary, and everything else!
Elder Oliver Hulme
It was so good to read this!!! Laughed out loud with Scott and then passed it around to the kiddos. Thanks, Valene! Oli's written me twice personally too. LOVE this kid!!! Can't wait to hear more about his adventures.